633 Powerful Emotional Words to Boost Your Content Strategy Now

Humans are, first and foremost, emotional creatures by nature. Our actions and motivations stem largely from our emotional responses. These emotions act as the navigators for our actions, instinctively directing us towards what we consider important and away from what is not. This is why emotional words, in any format, affect most people. Whether it’s a poignant line in a novel, an impassioned plea in a speech, or even a well-timed joke in a sitcom, the words that carry emotion strike us deeply. They resonate within our own experiences, our hopes, our fears, and our dreams.
You likely know already that your choice of words for a headline can dramatically influence your content’s engagement performance and even your overall brand image. According to statistics, while 80% of individuals will read your headline, only a mere 20% will take the next step to engage with your content. This is because our actions are greatly influenced by the emotions or feelings triggered (or not) by words, and emotionally-charged headlines evoke feelings in readers that encourage them to engage with content.
See also 10 Proven Tips for Generating Attention-Grabbing Headlines.
What Are Emotional Words?
Emotional words are trigger words that convey or evoke feelings and emotions. They can stir up different feelings, from happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, or any other emotional response in the reader or listener. Like power words, emotional words are powerful tools in language and communication because they can deeply influence perception, behaviour, and decision-making. Examples of emotional words could include “joyful,” “grief-stricken,” “furious,” “astonishing,” “terrifying,” and so on.
Usage Example
For example, “astonishing” is used in “The lessons from America’s astonishing economic record.”
This word is used to evoke a sense of surprise or amazement in the reader. By describing the economic record as “astonishing,” the writer suggests that it is so remarkable or surprising that it’s hard to believe. This can draw the reader in, making them curious about what makes America’s economic record extraordinary.
In this context, the emotional word “astonishing” can have several effects on the reader:
- Interest and Engagement: The reader may feel intrigued and want to know more about what makes America’s economic record astonishing. This can increase reader engagement and make them more likely to read the article.
- Emotional Reaction: The word “astonishing” can evoke a sense of awe or amazement in the reader. This can create a more emotional connection to the topic, making the reader more invested in the content.
- Positive Perception: If the reader interprets “astonishing” as a positive descriptor, they may view the topic more positively. This can shape their perception of America’s economic record, potentially making them more likely to view it favourably.
- Expectation: Using such a strong emotional word sets up the expectation that the economic record being discussed is truly extraordinary. The reader may feel disappointed if the article fails to meet this expectation.
A Comprehensive List of Emotional Words
Below is a comprehensive list of research-backed emotional words that can subconsciously trigger the right feelings in your reader and spur their interest to engage with your content and take the actions you desire.
Admiration | Admirer | Adulation | Advice |
Affordable | Agony | Almighty | Amour |
Announcing | Anonymous | Antagonism | Anxiousness |
Apocalypse | Apprehension | Armageddon | Arrived |
Arrogant | Assault | Astonishing | Astound |
Astounded | Astounding | Astoundingly | Astounds |
Attachment | Attitude | Attractive | Audacity |
Authentic | Avenge | Awe | Backbone |
Backdoor | Backlash | Backstabbing | Bashful |
Belief | Belligerent | Berserk | Beset |
Best-selling | Beware | Billion | Bitterness |
Blinded | Bliss | Blissful | Blood |
Bloodbath | Bloodcurdling | Bonanza | Bootleg |
Bottom | Bravery | Brazen | Bristle |
Broken-hearted | Brood | Buffoon | Bumbling |
Burned | Cadaver | Callous | Calmness |
Cash | Caution | Certified | Cheap |
Cheer | Cheered | Cheerful | Cheering |
Cheerless | Cheers | Cheery | Cockiness |
Cocky | Collect | Colorful | Colossal |
Commiseration | Compare | Compassion | Competitive |
Complete | Compromise | Concealed | Concern |
Confessions | Confidential | Conquer | Content |
Contentment | Controversy | Coolness | Courage |
Courageous | Covert | Coward | Cowardly |
Crammed | Crave | Crazier | Craziest |
Crazy | Cripple | Crooked | Cross |
Cruel | Cruelty | Cupid | Cure |
Curiosity | Daring | Deadline | Defiance |
Delight | Delighted | Delightful | Delighting |
Delights | Delivered | Depraved | Depress |
Depression | Desolation | Desperation | Destiny |
Detest | Devastate | Devastated | Devastating |
Devote | Devoted | Devotion | Direct |
Discount | Discourage | Disgust | Disgusted |
Disgusting | Dishearten | Disillusion | Disinformation |
Dismay | Displeasure | Dollar | Double |
Download | Drowning | Dumb | Easily |
Ecstasy | Edge | Elate | Embarrass |
Embarrassed | Embarrasses | Embarrassing | Embarrassment |
Emerging | Emotion | Emotional | Empathy |
Empower | Enchantment | Energize | Energy |
Enjoyment | Enormous | Enthusiasm | Epic |
Exasperation | Excite | Excited | Excitement |
Exciting | Exhaustion | Expert | Explode |
Extra | Eye-opening | Famous | Fantastic |
Fascinate | Fascinated | Fascinates | Fascinating |
Fear | Fearful | Fearing | Fearless |
Fearsome | Feast | Fed | Feeble |
Feel | Ferocious | Fickle | Fierce |
FIre | Fleece | Flirt | Floundering |
Flush | Focus | Forbidden | Force-fed |
Forgotten | Forlorn | Fortune | Foul |
Frantic | Free | Freebie | Frenzy |
Fright | Frighten | Frightened | Frightening |
Frugal | Fulfill | Fulfilled | Fulfills |
Full | Fundamentals | Fury | Gaiety |
Gaily | Gall | Gambling | Gay |
Genuine | Gigantic | Gladness | Grateful |
Greed | Greedy | Grieve | Grit |
Guaranteed | Gullibility | Gullible | Guts |
Hack | Happiness | Happy | Hate |
Hated | Hates | Hating | Hatred |
Haughty | Hazardous | Heartless | Help |
Helpful | Helping | Helpless | Helps |
Hidden | High | Highest | Hope |
Hopeful | Hopefully | Hopeless | Hopelessness |
Hopes | Hoping | Horrible | Horrific |
Horrified | Horror | Hostility | Hurricane |
Hurry | Hurtful | Hypnotic | Imagination |
Immediately | Inexpensive | Informative | Insanely |
Insider | Insidious | Instructive | Interest |
Interested | Interesting | Interests | Intimacy |
Intolerable | Introducing | Invasion | Ironclad |
Irresistibly | Irritable | Irs | Jackpot |
Jail | Jaw-dropping | Jittery | Jolly |
Jovial | Joy | Joyful | Joyfully |
Joyless | Joyous | Jubilant | Killer |
Lament | Lamentable | Largest | Lascivious |
Last | Latest | Launching | Lavishly |
Liberal | Lick | Lies | Lifetime |
Line | Loathsome | Lonely | Lonesome |
Long | Longing | Loser | Losing |
Loss | Lost | Lunatic | Lunatics |
Lust | Luxurious | Luxury | Lying |
Magic | Mainstream | Mammoth | Massive |
Maul | Meltdown | Merrily | Merriment |
Mind-blowing | Minute | Mired | Mix |
Money | Money-grubbing | Moneyback | Monumental |
Mood | Mortify | Mourner | Myself |
Myths | Naked | Naughty | Nervousness |
Neurotic | Nightmare | Noted | Obsession |
Off-limits | Offer | Official | Outlawed |
Overcome | Painful | Pale | Panic |
Panicked | Panics | Paralyzed | Paranoid |
Passion | Payback | Perspective | Phobia |
Pioneering | Piranha | Pitfall | Plague |
Played | Pleasurable | Plight | Pluck |
Plummet | Plunge | Pointless | Portfolio |
Pound | Pout | Powerful | Practical |
Prejudice | Preposterous | Priced | Pride |
Privacy | Private | Prize | Professional |
Profit | Profitable | Promising | Protect |
Protected | Protects | Proven | Provocative |
Pummel | Quadruple | Quality | Quick |
Quickly | Rare | Rave | Recession-proof |
Reckoning | Reclaim | Reduced | Refund |
Refundable | Regrettable | Relaxation | Reliable |
Religious | Relish | Remarkable | Remarkably |
Research | Resentment | Restlessness | Results |
Revealing | Revisited | Revolting | Revolutionary |
Risky | Romantic | Ruthless | Sadness |
Sale | Sampler | Sanguine | Satisfaction |
Satisfy | Savings | Scandal | Scandalous |
Scandals | Scarce | Scare | Scared |
Scary | Searing | Secrets | Secure |
Secured | Secures | Security | Seductively |
Seize | Selected | Sensational | Sensitive |
Sensitivity | Sensual | Sentiment | Sentimental |
Sex | Shameless | Shatter | Shellacking |
Shimmering | Shocked | Shocking | Shortsighted |
Shyness | Silence | Simple | Sin |
Sincere | Skeptic | Skeptical | Slaughter |
Slave | Slaves | Sleep | Smear |
Smile | Smiling | Smother | Smug |
Snare | Sneaky | Soaring | Sole |
Solemn | Solitude | Sorrow | Sorry |
Special | Speechless | Speedy | Spite |
Splendid | Staggered | Startled | Stealth |
Sting | Straightforward | Strange | Stress |
Stressed | Stun | Stunning | Stupid |
Sturdy | Subdued | Successful | Suicide |
Superb | Superstition | Surging | Surprise |
Surprised | Surprising | Surrender | Survival |
Survive | Survivor | Suspicious | Sweat |
Sweating | Sweet | Sweetheart | Swift |
Swoon | Tears | Temptation | Terror |
Terrified | Terrifying | Thrill | Thrilled |
Thrilling | Tick | Timely | Touched |
Tragedy | Tragic | Transgression | Treacherous |
Trembling | Tremendous | Triple | Trouble |
Troubled | Troubles | Troubling | Trust |
Trusting | Truth | Twist | Ugly |
Paralysed | Unbelievable | Unbelieving | Uncertain |
Uncomfortable | Uncontrollable | Uncover | Underestimated |
Undesirable | Unexpected | Unfamiliar | Unforgettable |
Unfortunate | Unhappiness | Unhappy | Unique |
Unjust | Unmatched | Unpleasing | Unquestionable |
Unravel | Unreliable | Unresolved | Unrest |
Unsafe | Unstable | Unstoppable | Unthinkable |
Untold | Unveil | Upset | Urgent |
Useful | Useless | Vanity | Victory |
Vile | Violence | Violent | Virile |
Vitality | Volatile | Vulnerable | Warning |
Wary | Waste | Wasted | Weary |
Wicked | Wipe | Wish | Worrisome |
Worried | Worry | Worrying | Wound |
Wounded | Wrath | Wretched | Wrong |
Zeal | Zest | Zinger |
See also 350+ SEO Power Words With Positive Sentiment to See More Results.
When appropriately utilised, emotional words can heighten social bonding and improve the connection between the sender and receiver.
However, it is important to avoid overusing emotional words and maintain proper context while using these trigger words in your content strategy so you don’t come across as manipulative or clickbaity. This way, these emotionally-charged words can enrich your message rather than compromise its authenticity.
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