1600+ Remarkably Effective Power Words for Headlines That People Click

Words have power. You’ve probably clicked on the link to read this article out of all the others you could have chosen from because we’ve used power words “effective” and “power”. The words you choose to include in your headlines will ultimately determine how your content performs. In fact, statistics show that eight out of ten people will read a headline, but only two of those people will actually click to proceed and engage with your content. That is why it is important to carefully infuse power words that can influence people and trigger action into your headlines.
What are Power Words?
Power words are words or phrases that possess the ‘psychological ingredients’ or elements that command readers’ attention and trigger them to act. Otherwise known as “trigger words”, power words generally appeal to people more than everyday words and stimulate a strong feeling or emotional response, influencing the reader’s behaviour.
These words often have neutral, positive or negative sentiments. But irrespective of the sentiments they carry, they are powerful words with the ability to appeal to and influence the actions and reactions of readers. This is not a click-baiting gimmick. It is the art of creating click-worthy headlines using the right words and rooted in pure human psychology.
See also 350+ SEO Power Words With Positive Sentiment to See More Results.
Incorporating Power Words Into Headlines
Think of it this way, out of the thousands of content presented to a reader at any given time, why should they be more interested in clicking on yours when they are yet to consume the content? The answer lies in whether or not your headlines resonate with them. To increase your chances of connecting with your audience, you must use power words effectively to trigger an instant feeling or emotional response that makes you stand out.
Below are real-life power words usage examples in various common headline styles, with the power words highlighted:
- News Story Headline. – “Anxiety over Covid: Unleashing a Wave of Mental Health Challenges“
- Article Headline – “Step into Picasso’s Studio: Witness the Unfolding of a Creative Masterpiece“
- Blog Post Headline – “Warning: Signs Your Marketing Campaign Could Be a Financial Sinkhole”
- Email Subject Line – “Important: Final Opportunity to Grab Our 1-month Premium Plan for Free”
- Social Media Ad Headline – “How Financial Infidelity Can Hurt More Than an Affair”
- YouTube Video Headline – Ultimate Slime ASMR Compilation: Your Calm Escape Into Deep Relaxation”
- Landing Page Headline – “Unleashing Guaranteed Growth with Our Groundbreaking Strategy”
- Infographic Title – “Supercharge Your Career: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Work Performance”
See also 10 Proven Tips for Generating Attention-Grabbing Headlines.
Comprehensive List of 1600+ Power Words for Headlines
To help you achieve click-worthy headlines, below is an extensive collection consisting of a list of over 1600 high-impact power words for headlines that you can bookmark and reference for use again and again, guaranteed to boost clicks, sales or whatever response you desire from your readers.
Abandon | Ability | Absolve | Accept |
Accident | Accomplish | Accusation | Ache |
Achievable | Acquit | Active | Adequate |
Adjudication | Administration | Administrator | Admire |
Admit | Adopt | Adorable | Adore |
Advantage | Adventure | Adventurous | Adviser |
Affection | Affectionate | Affirm | Aggravate |
Aggression | Aggressive | Aghast | Agog |
Agonise | Agree | Agreeable | Agreement |
Alarm | Alarmist | Alert | Alienation |
Alive | Allergic | Alliance | Allot |
Allow | Alone | Amaze | Amazement |
Amazing | Ambassador | Ambition | Ambitious |
Ambivalent | Amnesty | Amuse | Amusement |
Anger | Angry | Anguish | Animosity |
Annoy | Annoyance | Antagonistic | Anti |
Anticipation | Anxiety | Anxious | Apathetic |
Apathy | Apocalyptic | Apologise | Apology |
Appalling | Appease | Applaud | Applause |
Appoint | Appraisal | Appreciate | Appreciation |
Apprehensive | Appropriate | Appropriation | Approval |
Ardent | Aristocracy | Aristocrat | Aristocratic |
Arm | Arrange | Arrest | Arrogance |
Assassination | Assert | Assessor | Asset |
Assign | Assume | Assure | Attack |
Attorney | Attract | Attraction | Audacious |
Auditor | Authoritarian | Authoritative | Authority |
Autocrat | Autocratic | Autonomous | Avert |
Avid | Avoid | Await | Award |
Awesome | Awful | Awkward | Back |
Bad | Bailout | Ballot | Bamboozle |
Ban | Banish | Banishment | Bankrupt |
Bar | Bargain | Barrier | Battle |
Bear | Beatific | Beautify | Belittle |
Beloved | Benefit | Benign | Bereave |
Best | Bestow | Betray | Betrayal |
Better | Bias | Bicep | Big |
Bishop | Bitter | Bizarre | Blackmail |
Blah | Blame | Bless | Blessing |
Blind | Blithe | Block | Blockbuster |
Bloodthirsty | Blurry | Board | Boast |
Body | Bold | Boldness | Bomb |
Boost | Boot | Bore | Boring |
Boss | Bother | Bothersome | Boycott |
Brag | Brainwashing | Bravado | Brave |
Breakthrough | Breathtaking | Bribe | Bright |
Brightness | Brilliant | Bring | Brisk |
Brooding | Bully | Bummer | Buoyant |
Burden | Calm | Campaign | Cancel |
Cancer | Capability | Capable | Capacity |
Capitalize | Captain | Captivated | Capture |
Care | Carefree | Careful | Careless |
Cast | Casualty | Catastrophe | Catastrophic |
Cautious | Celebrate | Celebrity | Censor |
Censorship | Censure | Certificate | Certification |
Certify | Chagrin | Chairman | Challenge |
Champ | Champion | Chance | Chancellor |
Channel | Chaos | Charge | Charm |
Charming | Chastise | Cheat | Cherish |
Chic | Chide | Chief | Childish |
Chilling | Choke | Civilize | Clarify |
Clarity | Clash | Classy | Clean |
Cleaner | Clear | Clever | Clouded |
Clout | Coalition | Coerce | Coercion |
Cogent | Collapse | Collar | Collide |
Collision | Combat | Comedy | Comfort |
Comfortable | Command | Commander | Commend |
Commissioner | Commit | Commitment | Commonwealth |
Compassionate | Compel | Competent | Complacent |
Complain | Comprehensive | Compulsion | Conceit |
Conciliate | Condemn | Condemnation | Condescending |
Condescension | Condone | Confidence | Confident |
Confine | Confiscate | Confiscation | Conflict |
Confuse | Congratulate | Congratulation | Congress |
Conqueror | Consent | Consolable | Conspiracy |
Constable | Constrain | Constraint | Contagion |
Contempt | Contend | Contentious | Contest |
Control | Controller | Controversial | Convince |
Convivial | Cool | Coordinate | Cop |
Cornered | Corporal | Corpse | Costly |
Council | Counsel | Court | Courteous |
Courtesy | Cover | Coziness | Cramp |
Crap | Crash | Creative | Crestfallen |
Cry | Curb | Curious | Curse |
Cut | Cynic | Cynical | Cynicism |
Damage | Damn | Danger | Daredevil |
Darkness | Dauntless | Dead | Deadlock |
Deadly | Dean | Dear | Death |
Debonair | Debt | Deceit | Deceitful |
Deceive | Deception | Decisive | Dedicated |
Defect | Defender | Defenceless | Defer |
Defiant | Deficit | Degrade | Dehumanize |
Deject | Delay | Delegate | Deluge |
Demand | Demean | Demonstration | Depose |
Depressed | Depressing | Deprive | Derail |
Deride | Derision | Derogatory | Designate |
Desirable | Desire | Despair | Desperate |
Despondent | Destroy | Destructive | Detached |
Detain | Detention | Deter | Determination |
Determine | Diamond | Dictate | Dictator |
Dictatorial | Die | Difficult | Diffident |
Dignified | Dilemma | Diplomacy | Diplomatic |
Dire | Direction | Director | Dirt |
Disable | Disadvantage | Disappear | Disappointment |
Disaster | Disbelieve | Discard | Discharge |
Discipline | Disconsolate | Discontent | Discord |
Discount | Discourage | Discredit | Disdain |
Disgrace | Disguise | Dishearten | Dishonest |
Disillusion | Disjoint | Dislike | Dismal |
Dismay | Dismiss | Disorder | Disorganize |
Disorient | Disparage | Dispel | Dispense |
Displace | Displease | Dispute | Disqualify |
Disquiet | Disregard | Disrespect | Disruption |
Dissatisfy | Distinguish | Distort | Distract |
Distress | Distrust | Disturb | Dither |
Dizzy | Dodge | Dolorous | Dominance |
Dominant | Dominate | Domination | Doom |
Doubt | Douche | Downcast | Downhearted |
Downside | Draft | Drag | Drain |
Draw | Dread | Dream | Dreary |
Drive | Drop | Drown | Drunk |
Dull | Dump | Dupe | Dysfunction |
Eager | Earnest | Ease | Easy |
Ecstatic | Editor | Educate | Eerie |
Effect | Effective | Egotistical | Elated |
Elation | Elder | Elect | Election |
Elegant | Elite | Emancipation | Embassy |
Embitter | Embrace | Emergency | Eminence |
Eminent | Empathetic | Emperor | Employ |
Empowerment | Emptiness | Empty | Enchanted |
Encourage | Encroachment | Endorse | Enemy |
Energetic | Enforce | Engage | Enjoy |
Enlighten | Ennui | Enrage | Enrapture |
Enslave | Ensure | Entangle | Enterprising |
Entertain | Enthral | Enthusiastic | Entitle |
Entrust | Envy | Eradicate | Erroneous |
Error | Escape | Esoteric | Establish |
Esteemed | Ethical | Euphoria | Evict |
Evil | Exact | Exaggerate | Examine |
Examiner | Exasperate | Excellence | Exclude |
Exclusion | Excuse | Executive | Exempt |
Exhaust | Exhilarate | Exonerate | Expand |
Expel | Exploit | Exploration | Expose |
Extend | Exterminate | Exuberant | Exultant |
Fabulous | Fad | Fail | Failure |
Fainthearted | Fair | Faith | Faithful |
Fake | Fall | Falsify | Fame |
Fan | Farce | Fascist | Fatality |
Fatigue | Favour | Feed | Feeling |
Felony | Fervent | Fervid | Festive |
Fiasco | Fidgety | Fight | Fine |
Fire | Fit | Fitness | Flagship |
Flee | Floor | Flop | Flourish |
Flu | Fluster | Focus | Fond |
Fondness | Fool | Forbid | Force |
Foreclosure | Forget | Forgive | Formidable |
Fortify | Fortunate | Founder | Fraud |
Fraudster | Fraudulence | Freedom | Fresh |
Friendly | Frisky | Frown | Frustrate |
Frustration | Fume | Fun | Funeral |
Funky | Funny | Furious | Futile |
Gain | Gallant | Gallantry | General |
Generous | Genial | Ghost | Giddy |
Gift | Giver | Glad | Glamorous |
Glee | Gloom | Glorify | Glorious |
Glory | Glum | God | Goddess |
Godlike | Godliness | Godsend | Good |
Goodness | Govern | Government | Governor |
Grace | Gracious | Grand | Grant |
Grasp | Gratification | Grave | Gray |
Great | Greet | Greeting | Grey |
Grief | Grip | Gross | Grow |
Growth | Guarantee | Guard | Guidance |
Guide | Guilt | Guilty | Gun |
Gusto | Hack | Hail | Hamper |
Hand | Handle | Hapless | Haplessness |
Hard | Hardship | Harm | Harried |
Harsh | Hater | Haunt | Havoc |
Head | Headquarter | Heal | Healthy |
Heartbreak | Heartfelt | Heaven | Heavyhearted |
Hell | Herd | Hero | Heroic |
Heroism | Hesitant | Hesitate | Hide |
Highlight | Hilarious | Hindrance | Hire |
Hoax | Hold | Homesick | Honest |
Honour | Honour | Hooligan | Hooliganism |
Horrendous | Hostile | House | Hug |
Huge | Humorous | Humiliated | Humiliation |
Humour | Humour | Hunger | Hurrah |
Hurt | Hypocritical | Hysteria | Hysterical |
Idiot | Ignorance | Ignorant | Ignore |
Ill | Illegal | Illiteracy | Illness |
Imbecile | Immobilize | Immortal | Immune |
Impact | Impair | Impatient | Impel |
Imperfect | Implementation | Importance | Important |
Impose | Impotent | Impress | Imprison |
Improve | Improvement | Impunity | Inability |
Inaction | Inadequate | Incapable | Incapacitate |
Incense | Incompetence | Inconsiderate | Inconvenience |
Increase | Indecisive | Independent | Indestructible |
Indifference | Indifferent | Indignant | Indignation |
Indispensability | Indoctrinate | Indomitable | Induce |
Ineffective | Infatuated | Infection | Inferior |
Inflamed | Influence | Infringement | Infuriate |
Inhibit | Initiate | Injured | Injury |
Injustice | Innovate | Innovation | Inquisitive |
Insecure | Insensitive | Insignificant | Insipid |
Insist | Inspect | Inspiration | Inspirational |
Inspire | Instruct | Instruction | Instructor |
Insult | Intact | Integrity | Intelligent |
Interrogated | Interrupt | Interruption | Intimidate |
Intimidation | Intricate | Invincible | Invite |
Involve | Invulnerable | Irate | Ironic |
Irony | Irrational | Irresistible | Irresponsible |
Irreversible | Irritate | Isolate | Itchy |
Jaunty | Jealous | Jeopardy | Jesus |
Jewel | Jocular | Join | Joke |
Judge | Judgment | Jumpy | Jurisdiction |
Juror | Jury | Justice | Justifiable |
Justified | Keen | Keeper | Kill |
Kind | King | Kiss | Kudos |
Lack | Lackadaisical | Lag | Laid |
Landlord | Landmark | Laugh | Launch |
Lawsuit | Lay | Lazy | Lead |
Leader | Leadership | Leak | Leave |
Legal | Legislation | Legislative | Legislator |
Lenient | Let | Lethargic | Lethargy |
Liar | Libellous | Liberate | Liberation |
Liberty | Lieutenant | Lifesaver | Lighthearted |
Like | Limit | Limitation | Limited |
Litigation | Lively | Loathe | Lobby |
Lol | Loom | Loose | Lord |
Lovable | Love | Lovely | Loving |
Lowest | Loyal | Loyalty | Luck |
Lucky | Lurk | Mad | Maddening |
Madly | Madness | Maintain | Majority |
Manage | Management | Manager | Mandatory |
Manipulate | Marshall | Marvel | Master |
Masterpiece | Matter | Mature | Mayor |
Meaningful | Meaningless | Medal | Mediocrity |
Meditative | Melancholy | Menace | Mentor |
Merciless | Mercy | Merry | Mess |
Methodical | Might | Minister | Ministry |
Miracle | Mirth | Misbehave | Mischief |
Miserable | Misery | Misgiving | Misinformation |
Misinterpret | Misleading | Misread | Misreport |
Misrepresentation | Miss | Mistake | Misunderstand |
Misunderstanding | Moan | Mock | Monger |
Monitor | Monopolize | Monopoly | Moody |
Mope | Motivate | Mourn | Move |
Muffle | Murder | Murderer | Myth |
Naive | Nasty | Natural | Needy |
Negative | Negativity | Neglect | Nervous |
Neutralize | Nice | Nifty | Nix |
Nobility | Noble | Noisy | Nomination |
Nonsense | Nosey | Notorious | Novel |
Numb | Nuts | Obey | Obliterate |
Obnoxious | Obscene | Obsessed | Obsolete |
Obstacle | Obstinate | Odd | Offend |
Offender | Officer | Officiate | Offline |
Ominous | Opportunity | Oppress | Oppression |
Optimism | Optimistic | Order | Ordinance |
Organise | Oust | Outcry | Outfit |
Outmanoeuvre | Outrage | Outreach | Outstanding |
Overbearing | Overjoy | Overload | Overlook |
Overpower | Overreact | Overrun | Overseer |
Oversell | Oversimplification | Overstate | Overthrow |
Overweight | Overwhelm | Oxymoron | Pain |
Palace | Paradise | Paradox | Paramount |
Pardon | Parley | Parliament | Pass |
Passionate | Passive | Pathetic | Patrol |
Patron | Patronage | Patronize | Pay |
Peace | Peaceful | Penalty | Pensive |
Perfect | Peril | Perjury | Permission |
Permit | Perpetrator | Perplex | Persecute |
Persuade | Perturb | Pesky | Pessimism |
Pessimistic | Petrify | Phobic | Pick |
Picturesque | Pique | Piteous | Pitiless |
Pity | Playful | Pleasant | Please |
Pleasure | Poise | Poison | Policeman |
Politician | Pollute | Polluter | Pompous |
Poor | Pope | Popular | Positive |
Posse | Possess | Possessive | Postpone |
Potency | Poverty | Power | Powerful |
Praise | Pray | Preacher | Predominate |
Preeminent | Prepare | Preside | Presidency |
President | Pressure | Prestige | Pretend |
Pretty | Prevent | Prevention | Priest |
Prince | Principal | Prison | Prisoner |
Privilege | Proactive | Problem | Proclaim |
Proclamation | Proctor | Professor | Profiteer |
Progress | Prohibit | Prohibition | Prominent |
Promise | Promote | Prompt | Propaganda |
Proponent | Proprietor | Prosecute | Prospect |
Prosperous | Protection | Protest | Proud |
Provide | Providence | Provoke | Pseudoscience |
Punish | Punitive | Pushy | Puzzle |
Quake | Queen | Question | Quiet |
Racism | Racist | Rage | Rainy |
Rant | Rapture | Rash | Ratify |
Reach | Reaffirm | Reassure | Rebellion |
Recession | Reckless | Recommend | Recruit |
Rector | Redeem | Refuse | Regal |
Regime | Regret | Regulate | Reinforce |
Reinstate | Reject | Rejoice | Relax |
Relentless | Reliant | Relieve | Relish |
Remorse | Repress | Repulse | Require |
Requirement | Rescue | Resentful | Resign |
Resolute | Resolve | Respect | Resplendent |
Responsibility | Responsible | Responsive | Restful |
Restless | Restore | Restrain | Restraint |
Restrict | Retain | Retard | Retreat |
Revenge | Revered | Revive | Reward |
Rich | Ridiculous | Rig | Righteous |
Righteousness | Rigorous | Riot | Risk |
Rob | Robber | Robe | Robust |
Romance | Rope | Royal | Royalty |
Rugged | Ruin | Rule | Ruler |
Run | Sabotage | Sad | Sadden |
Safe | Safeguard | Safety | Salient |
Sanction | Sappy | Sarcastic | Satisfied |
Save | Say | Scam | Scapegoat |
Sceptical | School | Scoff | Scold |
Scoop | Scorn | Scream | Screw |
Scumbag | Sedition | Seduce | Select |
Self-confident | Self-contained | Self-deluded | Selfish |
Senate | Senator | Sentence | Sequester |
Serene | Sergeant | Settle | Severe |
Sexy | Shaky | Shame | Share |
Shatter | Shelter | Sheriff | Shield |
Ship | Shock | Shoot | Short-sighted |
Shortage | Show | Shrew | Shut |
Shy | Sick | Sigh | Significance |
Silence | Sincere | Singleminded | Sir |
Sceptic | Scepticism | Slam | Slash |
Sleeplessness | Slick | Sluggish | Smart |
Smear | Smile | Smog | Smother |
Sneaky | Snub | Sober | Solemn |
Solid | Solidarity | Solution | Solve |
Sombre | Soothe | Sophisticated | Sore |
Sorrow | Sorry | Sovereign | Sovereignty |
Spam | Spare | Spark | Sparkle |
Speak | Speculative | Spirit | Spiteful |
Splendid | Sponsor | Sprightly | Spur |
Squad | Squelch | Stab | Stabilise |
Stable | Stall | Stamina | Stampede |
Standard | Startle | Starve | State |
Stately | Statesman | Statuesque | Status |
Statute | Steadfast | Steal | Steer |
Step | Stereotype | Stifle | Still |
Stimulate | Stingy | Stipulate | Stipulation |
Stop | Stout | Straight | Strangle |
Strength | Strengthen | Stress | Stricken |
Strict | Strike | Struggle | Strut |
Stubborn | Stud | Stun | Suave |
Subdue | Substantial | Subversion | Subversive |
Subvert | Suffer | Suffrage | Sulk |
Summon | Sunshine | Super | Superb |
Superintendent | Superiority | Supply | Support |
Suppose | Suppression | Supremacy | Supreme |
Surmount | Surpass | Surveillance | Survive |
Suspect | Suspend | Suspicious | Swear |
Swift | Swindle | Sympathetic | Sympathy |
Take | Teach | Tear | Tend |
Tender | Tense | Tension | Term |
Terrible | Terrify | Test | Thank |
Thankful | Thorny | Thoughtful | Thoughtless |
Threat | Threaten | Thwart | Timid |
Tolerant | Toothless | Top | Torture |
Totalitarian | Totalitarianism | Tout | Tragedy |
Tranquil | Trap | Trauma | Travesty |
Treason | Treasure | Treasurer | Tremble |
Trick | Triumphal | Trophy | Trouble |
Trust | Try | Tyranny | Ugly |
Unacceptable | Unappreciated | Unapproved | Unaware |
Unbelievable | Unbelieving | Unbiased | Uncertain |
Unclear | Uncomfortable | Unconcerned | Unconfirmed |
Unconvinced | Uncredited | Undaunted | Undecided |
Underestimate | Undermine | Undeserving | Undesirable |
Undisputed | Uneasy | Unemployment | Unequal |
Unethical | Unfair | Unfocused | Unfulfilled |
Unhappy | Unhealthy | Unified | Unimpressed |
Unintelligent | Union | Unjust | Unloved |
Unmatched | Unmotivated | Unprofessional | Unresearched |
Unrestricted | Unsatisfied | Unsecured | Unsettled |
Unsophisticated | Unstable | Unstoppable | Unsupported |
Unsure | Untarnished | Unwanted | Unwavering |
Unwilling | Unwillingness | Unworthy | Upset |
Upsetting | Uptight | Urge | Urgent |
Usurp | Vague | Validate | Validates |
Validating | Vanquish | Verdict | Vest |
Veto | Vexation | Vexing | Vice |
Vicious | Victim | Victimize | Victimizes |
Victimizing | Victor | Victorious | Vigilant |
Vile | Vindicate | Vindicates | Vindicating |
Violate | Violates | Violating | Violence |
Violent | Virtuous | Virulent | Vision |
Visionary | Vitality | Vitamin | Vitriolic |
Vivacious | Vociferous | Walkout | War |
Warfare | Warm | Warmth | Warn |
Warning | Waste | Wasting | Waver |
Weak | Weakness | Wealth | Wealthy |
Weary | Weep | Welcome | Welcomes |
Whimsical | Willingness | Win | Wish |
Withdrawal | Withstand | Woo | Word |
World-famous | Worse | Worsen | Worship |
Worst | Worth | Worthless | Worthy |
Wow | Wrathful | Wreck | Wrong |
Yearning | Youthful | Yucky | Yummy |
Although not included in the list above, these power words’ past tense and plural forms are also considered valid power words. You are welcome to bookmark the list and reference it whenever you need.
See also 633 Powerful Emotional Words to Boost Your Content Strategy Now.
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